2023/10/22 06:41
日産 スカイライン 2000GT-R(KPGC10型)通称“ハコスカ”誰もが知るこのモデルが、MINI-Zで発売となり、心が躍りました!
“あそびにマジメ” 京商さんの再現度はさすがの一言。プラモデルを超えて、このクオリティはモデルカーです。






Finally released!
The Nissan Skyline 2000GT-R (KPGC10), aka "Hakoska" as it is known to all, is now available at MINI-Z, and we are thrilled!
The realistic modeling that you can actually hold in your hands.
The realistic modeling that you can actually feel in your hands, and the level of reproduction by Kyosho, a company that is serious about "fun", is one of the best I've ever seen. Beyond a plastic model, this quality is that of a model car.
It would be a shame to let it run. I can only think of what I would do if I hit it.
Some of you have already driven it, but why don't you take a good look at it when you take a break from maintenance?
This KPGC10 model was released in 1970 as an improved 4-door sedan type of the KPG10 model released in 1969.
It is a 2-door coupe type with a shortened wheelbase. It has over fenders on the wheel arches, modified fender mirrors, and a redesigned front grille, giving it a more refined image than the 4-door type.
The shortened wheelbase improves athletic performance and at the same time reduces weight. One can imagine that the car was easy to turn, as it would certainly oversteer in a radio-controlled car.
Optional equipment included a radio (no antenna if not selected) and rust-proofing paint. Also, it seems that a rear wing could be installed as an option for the early model, so the MINI-Z Hakosuka KPGC10 model is an early model.
The number of production was 1,197 units. The new car price was 1,540,000 yen. In terms of prices, etc., the starting salary for a college graduate at that time was 39,900 yen, which is about 39 times higher than the current starting salary for a college graduate. The current starting salary for a college graduate is approximately 220,000 yen. The R35 GT-R currently on sale starts at 13,750,000 yen, which is about 62.5 times higher! It is likely to go up still more when considering optional equipment, etc. Performance has improved beyond dimensions, so I wonder if the increase in wages in Japan simply has not kept pace....
It may have been expensive at the time, but in hindsight it was probably a bargain.
Nowadays, we rarely see these precious cars, and even though it is an RC car, you can drive a model car-quality MINI-Z, which makes you feel like you are driving a real car. It is fun to drive the car slowly while imagining Japan in the Showa period, without seeking speed.