2024/09/08 19:35
走らすことができなくても、ワクワクする飾り方をしてみようと思い、引き出しの奥から古い『LEGO』を取り出して、MINI-Z フォーミュラと共に飾ってみました。

2004年発売の、「LEGO スピードチャンピオン 76914」です。古いものなので内容パーツは全て揃っておらず、シールも一部劣化で剥げてしまっていたので、MINI-Zフォーミュラと同じ年代の、チームウェアを着たミニフィグ(人形)についていた、ステッカーをコピー作成して貼り付けました。


September has arrived and the heat of the mornings and evenings has finally eased up.
Lately, I have been busy with other things and haven't been able to play with MINI-Z.... I miss not being able to hold the steering wheel.
Even though I can't drive, I decided to decorate it in an exciting way, so I took out an old “LEGO” from the back of a drawer and displayed it with the MINI-Z Formula.
It is “LEGO Speed Champion 76914” released in 2004. Since it was so old, all the parts were not included, and some of the stickers were peeling off due to deterioration, so I made a copy of a sticker that came with a minifig (doll) in team wear from the same era as the MINI-Z Formula.
The LEGO minifigure is 1/48 scale and the MINI-Z Formula is 1/24 scale, so the scale is different, but the size of the helmet is very similar, so I was able to fit in the scene without much discomfort.
It would be better to combine the MINI-Z Formula with other miniature cars of the same scale to create a sense of unity, but by surrounding the F1 car with the pit crew and creating a sense of atmosphere, the realism of the scene is greatly enhanced. Therefore, it may not be necessary to be too concerned about the scale.
I wanted to create an atmosphere that was not too tense. It is assumed that everyone is doing their respective jobs, such as changing tires, maintenance, and programming.
Incidentally, since LEGO originated in Denmark, it seems to have been made on the assumption that a person is about 183cm tall. To be precise, 1/48 scale is the ratio of 1.5 inches (3.81cm)/6 feet (1 foot is 30.48cm, so 182.88cm). This scale seems to be common knowledge among LEGO lovers. I didn't know that...
There are still more ways to play with MINI-Z. I think there are still more things we can expand with MINI-Z. Why don't you try various things and find your own way to enjoy it?
See you next time!