2024/10/23 23:46


1970年に初代ジムニー LJ10型が発売され、現行モデルで4代目となります。
MINI-Zでは、ジムニーシエラ(JB74)をモデル化していますが、ジムニー(JB64 660cc)とは、エンジンの排気量、トレッド幅、タイヤサイズの以外の機構は同様で、車体の寸法に違いがあるくらいです。本格クロスカントリーSUVを、規格の違う排気量(軽自動車と普通車)で比較し、購入できるのはジムニーだけであり、発売当初からぶれずに、コンセプトを守り続けているスズキさんのおかげだと思うのでした。

It is finally getting cooler in October.
This time, we would like to introduce a model specially ordered by “MARUKU Corporation,” a general model wholesaler, to KYOSHO to commemorate its 70th anniversary.
We can see why! The model is a very special one, and we are sure you will agree with us.
The TS4 emblem print on the front mask, the addition of front and rear towing bumper hooks, and the impactful yellow coloring express the strength of a cross-country SUV. Detailed prints have also been added in various areas. In addition, the front and rear bumper sections are equipped with lights as standard. A two-way connector is also included for easy addition of lights. Also, as a small detail, the wheel nuts are also painted silver. This is a part where the work is very detailed and particular. Everything is faithfully represented, so you will never get tired of looking at it.
The Jimny needs no explanation for car enthusiasts, but let me introduce a few things about it.
The first Jimny LJ10 model was launched in 1970, and the current model is the fourth generation.
The Jimny has three main features: a strong ladder frame, rigid suspension that connects the left and right tires, and part-time 4WD that can switch between 2WD and 4WD. (I will omit the explanation of technical terms.)
The driving performance that comes from these features is so strong that it is hard to believe that it is a light car. It is said that if Jimny can't drive on a road, no other car can.
The above package has been kept as the basic concept since the introduction of the first Jimny, and I think it is the only one and only one of its kind, as no other minicar has adopted it.
The MINI-Z is modeled after the Jimny Sierra (JB74), which is similar to the Jimny (JB64 660cc) in mechanisms other than engine displacement, tread width, and tire size, with the only difference being in the body dimensions. The Jimny is the only vehicle that can be compared and purchased with a full-fledged cross-country SUV with different standard displacements (minicar and regular car), and I think it is thanks to Suzuki's efforts to keep the concept unwavering since its initial launch.